February was a month filled with indecision in financial markets, with Bitcoin forming a doji and major US stock indices sinking after a prior month of upside. The chop in markets made trading conditions difficult for even the most profitable traders historically.
At the same time, a newcomer has outperformed all other strategy managers in one-month returns. Could this lead to further shakeup in the Coin Market Pro copy trading leaderboards? Keep reading to find out!
Note: The Monthly Trader Report is only a statistical display of data and should NOT be considered investment advice. Please exercise caution, and do not trade beyond your limits when deciding how much risk to take on.
Total Profits
The Coin Market Pro team collects the data on the most profitable strategies of all time.
Citadel Two continues to live up to their impenetrable namesake, leaving all other traders unable to unseat the now legendary trader. In a month filled with indecision, the trader’s monthly profits moved nowhere, but was able to maintain over 4,000% in all-time profits.
Numero U N O took a -30% loss for February, cutting their all-time profits back to a still sizable 2,396%. Quant24 also saw a -28% decline to their totals, but kept above 1,705% in all-time profits despite the setback.
Tasty got a taste of the challenging market conditions also with a -2% loss for February, but held onto 1,372% in all-time profits. SLOWW BUT SUREE lost -17% for the month, totalling 907% in all-time profits for the calm and collected strategy manager.
Strategy Name | All-time Profit | Monthly Profit | Active Days | Followers' Equity | Followers | Stars |
Citadel Two | 4005.48% | 0.00% | 233 | 0.47 BTC | 86 | 3 |
Numero UNO | 2396.47% | -30.35% | 112 | 8704 USDT | 15 | 3 |
Quant24 | 1705.09% | -28.34% | 93 | 7179 USDT | 40 | 4 |
Tasty | 1372.71% | -2.07% | 89 | 10497 USDT | 75 | 4 |
SLOWW BUT SUREE | 907.25% | -17.05% | 100 | 4.36 ETH | 11 | 4 |
Monthly Profit
The Coin Market Pro team collects the data of the most profitable strategies in February 2023 alone.
Silvergoldshort might have earned their 175% in monthly profits from shorting precious metals, which suffered a strong decline in February. The returns pulled the strategy manager out of the red, bringing all-time profits to 44%.
Wall STREETS couldn’t quite make it out of the red themselves, even though they added 141% for February. In total, they closed the month out with -22% in all-time profits and are likely looking ahead to come out of the negative in March.
Cinnamon earned some sweet and spicy returns with 130% monthly profit, taking their all-time profit totals to 82%. Price and Time trailed with 113% for February and -16% in all-time profits. Finally, GoldenEagle was close behind with 90% for the month and more than 104% in all-time ROI.
Strategy Name | All-time Profit | Monthly Profit | Active Days | Followers' Equity | Followers | Stars |
Silvergoldshort | 44.07% | 175.09% | 57 | 0 BTC | 0 | 2 |
Wall STREETS | -22% | 141.06% | 65 | 0 BTC | 1 | 0 |
Cinnamon | 82.95% | 130.27% | 40 | 202 USDT | 1 | 1 |
Price and Time | -16.92% | 113.99% | 120 | 0 BTC | 0 | 0 |
GoldenEagle | 104.07% | 90.43% | 43 | 459 USDT | 5 | 3 |
Monthly Profit Among Newcomers (less than 30 days)
The Coin Market Pro team collects the data on the most profitable strategies created in February 2023.
The metrics above show that even the best of the best traders experienced some difficulty in the recent market chop and sideways price action. However, newcomer MaxGains lived up to their name and had the most ROI for February 2023 out of all other strategy managers, with 307%.
Quant v1 pulled in 115% in profits for the month in only three days active. Meanwhile, PeaceProfit, Only No 1, and Cov Edu each clocked in 16 days each active. PeaceProfit ranked in third with 115% – only a fraction below Quant v1. Only No 1 came in fourth place with 89% for February, and Cov Edu in fifth with 74% ROI.
Strategy Name | All-time Profit | Monthly Profit | Active Days | Followers' Equity | Followers | Stars |
MaxGains | 319.30% | 307.50% | 7 | 0.15 BTC | 17 | 1 |
Quant v1 | -10.90% | 115.53% | 3 | 0 BTC | 0 | 0 |
PeaceProfit | 79.45% | 115.06% | 16 | 0.03 BTC | 1 | 1 |
Only No 1 | 4.25% | 89.71% | 16 | 198 USDT | 2 | 2 |
Cov Edu | 33.85% | 74.71% | 16 | 0 USDT | 0 | 2 |
Maximum Win Ratio
The Coin Market Pro team collects the data of the strategies filtered by maximum win ratio in February 2023. Traders are listed in ascending order by win ratio.
Strategy manager Abomination tops this month’s list with 478 orders – the highest number of orders we’ve seen while also maintaining a max win ratio of 100%. A familiar face of DeRossiniBTC002, whom Coin Market Pro had the pleasure of interviewing in the past, has also made it on the list with 100% win ratio across 11 trades.
Laconic Trader, NO1isBACK again, and SlowButSure1 each had a 100% max win ratio also, with Laconic Trader closing 57% orders, and the other two each closing 18 orders in February.
Strategy Name | Win Ratio | # of Orders | Monthly Profit | All-time Profit | Active Days | Followers' Equity |
Abomination | 100.00% | 478 | 39.21% | 72.71% | 41 | 0.003 BTC |
DeRossiniBTC002 | 100.00% | 11 | 2.41% | 48.83% | 337 | 0.59 BTC |
Laconic Trader | 100.00% | 57 | 6.12% | -4.13% | 94 | 0 USDT |
NO1isBACK again | 100.00% | 18 | 5.5% | 13.17% | 131 | 0.003 BTC |
SlowButSure1 | 100.00% | 16 | 18.47% | 48.13% | 47 | 0.10 BTC |
February 2023 Coin Market Pro Covesting Summary
February resulted in indecision in markets and setbacks in many top traders, but it’s not yet time to count them out. The best traders are those that are able to manage risk and remain profitable over the long haul. Powerful risk management tools provided by Coin Market Pro and built-in technical analysis software help skilled traders keep losses to an absolute minimum, as is demonstrated in the month’s performance data.
Financial markets could be in the calm before the storm stage, with a new trend emerging in the coming months. Once a clear direction is chosen and volatility returns, Coin Market Pro strategy managers will see even stronger monthly performance.
Check back next month for the shocking results! Click here to see last month’s performance.